We all know the things that make up the constantly changing landscape of education: Budgets (usually for the worse), evaluation models, initiatives, legislation, resources (or lack thereof), buzz words and the list goes on. But when I focused on those things that do not change in education, I suddenly became more positive, more focused, more able to encourage the hearts of those around me. Here are the things that I came up with when I focused on the things that haven't changed for our team.
1) Our team! Apart from a few changes, our team has stayed consistent and that's a BIG positive. We know who we are, our strengths and our weaknesses, and how we can best support one another.
2) Our building! Many schools this year were being renovated. Having gone through that three years ago, we know the angst that comes from not being able to be in our rooms until the last minute and dealing with all the glitches that follow. Yes, this has been a smooth start with facilities.
3) Our students! Yes, we have many new students this year and will continue to get many move ins, but there are MANY familiar faces in the halls and they know Rosedale and their 3 To Be!
4) Our passion! We chose this profession not because it was easy, but because we want to make a difference in the lives of students and in the world.
5) Our mission: "Building a better world one student at a time". That hasn't changed and never will. We are a committed group of educators who are here to support one another and to do whatever it takes to help each child succeed.
Yes, lots has changed in education and even in our own school. It can make your head spin sometimes. But when it feels like everything is changing, take a moment to remember the things that haven't changed...and never will!
photo credit: advisoranalyst.com
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein
"A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life." - Muhammad Ali
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." - Heraclitus
I've shared this before, but this is how teachers SHOULD be treated!!
Monday, September 26: Celebrate Monday Assembly 9:05-9:25 am
Tornado Drill 2:00 pm
IEP (Fuller) 3:15 pm
Tuesday, September 27: Administrator Training for 5D at the CTC (all day)
Wednesday, September 28: Achievement Team 8:15 am
Fire Drill 2:30 pm
IEP (Merchant) 3:15 pm
Thursday, September 29: Staff Meeting with Andrea Oquist 8:05 am
Elementary Principals Meeting 1:00-4:30 pm
Friday, September 30: Bill Roberts from AXA in the Lounge 8:00 am
IEP (Robertson) 8:20 am
IEP (Nadon) 3:15 pm
Jon to Lansing for MEMSPA Board Meeting / Sandi Benson in Office
Monday, October 3: Student of the Month Assembly 9:05-9:25 am (Safety)
Thursday, October 6: Staff Meeting 8:05 am
PTA Meeting 6:30 pm
Friday, October 7: Rosedale FUN WALK at Churchill High School Track 1:30-3:00 pm
Great Educators to follow on Twitter!
Ben Gilpin
Allyson Apsey
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