While I truly appreciate all the classroom teachers do on a daily basis and the magic that happens each time a student says, "I get it!", there is no substitute for getting into the classroom to see them teach and really understand all they do. I wish our parents, community members, and even our legislators could spend some time in classrooms and see how our teachers perform the amazing job of engaging our students and igniting that love of learning all while managing behaviors, wiping tears (and noses) and covering more curriculum than ever before. Better yet, I would like to have folks try their hand at actually teaching for a day rather than watching. I think the appreciation for teachers and the respect they deserve would go through the roof!
While it's been many years since I've had a classroom of my own, I still consider myself a teacher at heart. I also consider all the students in our school "my kids". However, I never forget that the true heroes are the teachers in the classrooms, inspiring students, modeling a love of learning, and changing the world for the better one student at a time. As a principal, I get to enjoy my morning cup of Joe each morning and take a bathroom break whenever I need it, but I never forget those days before I started drinking coffee and when I had a classroom of my own.
Enjoying a "cup of Joe"
"A cup of Joe" comes from Joseph Daniels, who was secretary of the Navy during World War I. In an effort to increase morality among the officers, he banned all alcoholic drinks on the military bases making coffee the strongest drink available. Daniels' name became linked with the beverage and it soon became known as a cup of Joe.
School Starts at 8:00 (A MUST SEE:) 3 minutes
Monday, October 26: Before School Math Club starts for 3rd and 4th Grade students
Thursday, October 29: Staff Meeting 8:00 am
Elementary Principals Meeting 1:00-4:30 pm
Friday, October 30: Please have SOTM names submitted by noon
Trunk or Treat 6:00-8:00 pm
Monday, November 2: Student of the Month Assembly (Responsibility) 3:00 pm
Tuesday, November 3: No Students (Election Day)
Thursday, November 5: Staff Meeting 8:00 am
Elementary Handbook meeting 2:00-4:00 pm
Title I Parent Night 6:00 pm
PTA Meeting 6:30 pm
Wednesday, November 11: P/T Conferences 5:15 -8:00 pm
Thursday, November 12: P/T Conferences 8:45-12:00, 1:00-4:00, 5:00-8:00 pm
Friday, November 13: No School
Thank-you for understanding- I wish that all administrators would teach once a month just to stay grounded and not stray to far into what I call "the dark side".